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How to use the OMI PEMF Beyond Mat

Posted by Istvan Magyar on 1/16/2023 to News
How to use the OMI PEMF Beyond Mat

Congratulation on your purchase of our OMI PEMF Beyond Full Body Mat and/or PEMF Beyond Power Band device. You have purchased an advanced functionality, increased intensity, state of the art PEMF device. We truly believe our OMI PEMF Beyond product line will inevitably change the quality of your life. The OMI PEMF Beyond is very user friendly. The functionality is designed to be obvious, so that you can use it straight out of the box, without any prior training, or education on PEMF therapy
Please follow the following simple steps and enjoy the benefits of PEMF therapy!

OMI Beyond App

Before start using the Beyond mat, download the OMI Beyond app from the iOS Appstore, or the android Play Store!


If you are using an iOS device, please scan the following QR code!
Alternatively you may download the OMI Beyond App from this link below:


If you are using an Android device, please scan the following QR code!
Alternatively you may download the OMI Beyond App from this link below:

Starting the OMI Beyond app

When you start the app for the first time, it will ask you to create a user profile. You may give your name, insert a photo, etc. You may also add additional users to the app. If you use a user profile, the app will remember your favorite treatment sessions and also your custom programs.

Turning on your mat, or your Powerband device


Please plug the cable of the mat to the controller unit! To switch on the controller unit, touch both sides of the controller with your fingers. It will detect it and will switch on automatically. The LED on the top of he controller will start slowly flashing in white color. Start the OMI Beyond app on your phone! Make sure the Bluetooth connection is enabled! Please gently touch the flashing LED button on the top of the controller. The color of the flashing light will turn blue. The controller has already connected to your app via Bluetooth. The mat is ready to use.

Starting a treatment session


You may start and stop treatment sessions via the OMI Beyond app. All programs are organized in three main groups. The "Frequently Used" folder lists your favorite programs, so that you can find them very easily. At the first use of the app this folder is empty. The "All Programs" group lists all generic programs. There are sub-directories in this group. All programs are organized in the following sub-directories: Common, Relaxation, Musculosceletal system, Circulation, Nervous System, Digestion, Respiration, Wounds, Other. All sub-directories have numerous programs those differ in many training parameters.The "Customs Programs" group lists all programs which had been customized by you. You may alter any existing programs and save them under different names in this group. You can easily browse through the program directory and pick up the desired program to use. You may start, stop, restart, or reset any programs anytime. The device will automatically switch off once a program is run to the end.

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OMI PEMF Beyond Introductory Offer

Last opportunity to purchase on the introductory price! Act Now!

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